…Ո՛վ Լալագե |…You, Lalage!

…Ո՛վ Լալագե |…You, Lalage!

…Ո՛վ Լալագե |…You, Lalage! Varoujan is famous for his patriotic poetry, dedicated to his homeland and people, his songs of Armenian mountains and the villagers. His love poems, very romantic, sensual and erotic – are not as widely known, and “…Ո՛վ Լալագե” (…You,...
Հասուն Արտ | Ripened Field

Հասուն Արտ | Ripened Field

Հասուն Արտ | Ripened Field I have always loved poetry and everything about it except two things – especially when I was a child:  learning a poem by heart, and reading it in public. When I was 12, there was going to be a major poetry assembly dedicated to Varoujan in...