One hectic weekend in New York

We loved going back to New York for our screening at the wonderful SR Socially Relevant Film Festival New York run by the talented Nora Armani. SRFF looks to film makers from across the world raising important social issues in society and it was really nice to meet the organisers and filmmakers on the first night. Of course as we are jet-setters, we flew into JFK, drove to Chelsea, had a lovely Chinese meal, went to late night party at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, met our friends and then to the lovely drinks at Le MIDI Bar & Restaurant with SR Film Festival in one eventing. Slept well.
Caught up with more friends for breakfast and went off to two exciting SRFF workshops – Casting Panel and Using Archival footage. Our manic weekend ended by our screening at the cool arthouse Cinema Village, with the film being really well received.
Many thanks to SR Socially Relevant Film Festival New York and Nora Armani for selecting “Taniel” at their thoughtfully curated festival. The festival has interesting workshops and networking opportunities too and we had the chance to meet accomplished writer and director and overall top bloke Christopher Atamian who wrote a lovely article about the festival and our film.